Timberborn patch notes
Timberborn patch notes

Folktail golems are called Barrelbots, Iron Teeth golems are called Cogheads. They’re not affected by working hours and regular needs. Golems work at all workplaces with an exception of Inventor, Observatory, and Power Wheel. Their effectiveness comes at a price, though - you need to produce and power them up. They are super-efficient mechanized beavers that perform most duties of their living masters (and some that a beaver wouldn’t touch). Adjusted some tutorial tips so that they lead to fewer human beaver casualties.


  • Optimized code related to Monuments, Decorations and Breeding Pods to increase performance in large settlements.
  • Made minor visual adjustments to needs' status bars.
  • Made minor text adjustments to how the yield progress is displayed on resources.
  • timberborn patch notes

    Seperated Aesthetics and Social Life groups into their correct Need Groups.Renamed most Needs and placed them in their correct Need Groups.Added new Need Groups to replace singular needs.While placing down gatherable resources in Map Editor, it is now possible to choose whether they should be in "ready to gather" state.Made visual adjustments to the tree models.In the meantime, here are some of the changes, some of which are totally unrelated to what's coming. The work continues on the new content update. Make sure you have Steam and Timberborn set to synchronize files with the cloud so that it works properly.

    timberborn patch notes

    Map localizations on your drive hasn't changed. json map and save files are backwards compatible but the new maps you create or modify will be saved as. As a result, files are 5 to 10 times smaller.

  • The new save and map files now use the.
  • The game now uses only three autosaves slots per settlement, overwriting older autosaves as needed.
  • Their location in the Saves folder hasn't changed. Saves that are yet to be assigned to a named settlement are found in the Unnamed settlement in-game. The in-game “Load Game” screen lets you browse the saves grouped by settlement (subfolder) as well.
  • The new saves created at that point and going forward will be stored in a corresponding subfolder located in the Saves folder.
  • You will be prompted to enter the settlement's unique name once you start a new game or load an old save.
  • Saves are now grouped based on a settlement you're working with.
  • We know working with the previous save system could be a pain in the tail.

    Timberborn patch notes